Joe Pender Wildlife Photography

Sunday 29 August 2010


This was one of about three Great Skuas we saw the other day .

Saturday 28 August 2010

Wilsons Petrel

I took this picture of this Wilsons Petrel on the 22.07.10 but have only just found it while sorting out my Photos.

Monday 23 August 2010

European Storm Petrel

Storm Petrel @ the Seven Stones Reef Yesterday Morning.

Common Dolphins

This Pod of Common Dolphins were off Round Island Yesterday Morning.

Dark Phase Arctic Skua

This Arctic Skua was 4 Miles South East Of St Mary's

Saturday 21 August 2010

Wilsons Petrel

One of four Wilsons we have seen since last night .

Wednesday 18 August 2010


This Flock of sanderling were on a rock near St Martins waiting for the tide to go out.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Juvinile Kittiwake

This Juvenile Kittiwake was 3 mile's southwest of the bishop rock lighthouse on Sunday's Pelagic.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Grey Phalarope

Grey Phalarope

We Saw these Grey phalarope on the way in tonight.

Juv Common Tern

This Juv Common Tern came and had a look at us today.

Blue Shark

One of two Blue Sharks tagged and released on todays Pelagic.

Friday 13 August 2010

Bottlenose Dolphin's

Bottlenose Dolphin

We spotted this pod of about 70 Bottlenose Dolphin's on todays Pelagic.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Lesser Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs

This lesser Yellow legs is on St Agnes at the moment it's a North American Vagrant with about 5 -10 records annually in Britain and Ireland.

Juv Little Tern

This Little Tern was one of at least three near St Martins this morning a rare bird in Scilly .

Monday 9 August 2010

Sunday 1 August 2010

Storm Petrel

This Storm Petrel seemed quiet happy to sit still and have its picture taken

Storm Petrel Being Weighed

Another Storm Petrel

Storm Petrel

This Storm petrel is just about to be released.

Setting Up the Nets

Last night's Pelagic was slightly different as we were going to stay out till late to try and catch Wilson's Storm Petrels or European Storm petrels to ring them by setting up nets on the boat and playing there individual calls . We caught about 15 European storm petrels but no wilsons this time.